How to move steam game to another disk without update?

1. Make your steam offline.

Just click offline in the left-up corner of “steam” menu.

2.Find your game .acf file.

Assuming G disk is your old steam library. In the directory, G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\, you find “appmanifest_2358720.acf” file.

You could query the game number id on the steam website. In this case, this file is about “black myth: WuKong”.

3.Change the state.

Open the file, find “StateFlags”, and change the any other state number to 4.

Known state: 4. All update; 6.unknown state, could run game; 38, an unknown state, need to update, couldnot run the game.

4.After succeed move the game, change the state code again.

“appmanifest_2358720.acf” is in your new directory. You should do step 3 to lunch the game in new location.